June 2019

This varicocele has become painful. What has happened?

Clinical information

Middle age male patient examined for SONOZORG a primary care ultrasound facility. Patient known to have a varicocele but has now become painfull.

Ultrasound Images & Clips

This varicocele has become painfull

This varicocele has become painful. What has happened?
This varicocele has become painful. What has happened?
Another image of the same varicocele
Another image of the same varicocele
With color doppler there is only minimal flow along the thrombi in the varicose veins.
With color doppler there is only minimal flow along the thrombi in the varicose veins.
This is an ultrasound image of a young boy
This is an ultrasound image of a young boy
During straining there is increased flow
During straining there is increased flow
If you look at the left renal vein you can see it is compressed between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery.
This called a nutcracker phenomenon. This can cause many symptoms of which a varicocele is one.
If you look at the left renal vein you can see it is compressed between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery. This called a nutcracker phenomenon. This can cause many symptoms of which a varicocele is one.
There is still flow in the left renal vein
There is still flow in the left renal vein
This is a varicocele in a patient who developed a varicocele at a higher age
This is a varicocele in a patient who developed a varicocele at a higher age
There is reflux with color doppler
There is reflux with color doppler
This patient had a renal cell carcinoma
This patient had a renal cell carcinoma
The tumor has invaded the left renal vein
The tumor has invaded the left renal vein
There are vessels visible in the mass in the renal vein
There are vessels visible in the mass in the renal vein


Beware of varicoceles because they can have a cause other than insufficient valves in the spermatic vein.


  • Sex: Male

Created with

  • Fujifilm Ultrasound System