Testicular torsion

Partial torsion

Clinical information

Patient with left testicular pain. Slightly enlarged left hemi scrotum with palpatory tenderness. Genito-urinary history of no name.

Brief description

Ultrasound demonstrated an increase of testis volume with a heterogeneous echotexture and deminished parenchymatous flow on Color Doppler. An upward change in position of the epididymis and a reactive hydrocele.
Adjacent to the testis a spiral twisted spermatic cord with varying Color Doppler signals representing the Whirlpool Sign.

Ultrasound Images & Clips


Testicular vascularity does not exclude testicular torsion. Some flow might be preserved in parts of the spermatic cord when the degree of twist is less than 360 degrees allowing for some residual perfusion tot the testis.


  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 12
  • Body part: Scrotum