Tumor In Left Supraclavicular Area

Tumor in Left Supraclavicular Area

Clinical information

The patient is a 50 year old female referred to physical therapy for worsening left upper extremity weakness and pain. The patient had a history of breast cancer with lumpectomy and lymph node removal. The patient presented with severe 9/10 pain in her neck, scapula, and had radicular symptoms radiating to her hand into all 5 fingers. The patient did have prior cervical MRI indicating multi-level disc herniations.

Brief description

Upon physical examination a large hard mass was palpated in the left supraclavicular fossa. Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound was performed and a mass was located with flow on internal doppler that was non-compressible. The patient was referred back to her primary care office and the patient was soon then hospitalized and CT scans revealed metastatic breast cancer in the patients shoulder and chest and supraclavicular area.

Ultrasound Images & Clips

LAX view of Supraclavicular mass
LAX view of Supraclavicular mass
SAX view of Supraclavicular Mass
SAX view of Supraclavicular Mass
Video of Supraclavicular mass with PDI


Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound was able to locate a suspicious mass and guide patient's medical care and decision making. The mass was determined to be cancerous and the patient has begun radiation therapy.


  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 50
  • Body part: Left Shoulder