Ureteropelvic junction stenosis

Uretero pelvic junction stenosis and infection with echogenic urine and sedimentation in the pelvicalyceal system

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Ultrasound Images & Clips

Uretero pelvic junction stenosis and infection with echogenic urine and sedimentation in the pelvicalyceal system

Echogenic urine in the pelvicalyceal system longitudinal
Echogenic urine in the pelvicalyceal system longitudinal
Normal kidney
Normal kidney
Echogenic urine in the pelvicalyceal system longitudinal
Echogenic urine in the pelvicalyceal system longitudinal
Echogenic urine and sedimentation in the calyceal system
Echogenic urine and sedimentation in the calyceal system

Uretero pelvic junction stenosis and infetion with echogenic urine and sedimentation

Echogenic urine and sedimentation in the calyceal system
Echogenic urine and sedimentation in the calyceal system
Echogenic urine in a dilatated pelvis
Echogenic urine in a dilatated pelvis


  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 2 months
  • Body part: Kidneys

Created with

  • Fujifilm Ultrasound System