Failed ORIF of R ankle with failure of hardware when patient present to physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Patient with R failed Ankle ORIF

Clinical information

Patient presented to physical therapy after a fall with R shoulder pain due to R shoulder ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation). Patient fell due to R ankle pain and weakness. The patient also had prior lumbar spine laminectomy to help R ankle pain that was unsuccessful. The patient was referred to outpatient therapy after completing home healthcare for after R shoulder surgery. After Dr. Charles Stevens scanned R ankle there was a failure of a > 8 year old ankle ORIF. The primary care physician was notified and patient was sent to ortho and the hardware was removed. The patient's pain was > 50% better and the patient has gone from use of rolling walker to single point cane and is still receiving ongoing physical therapy on an outpatient basis.

Brief description

Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound revealed ORIF screw compression extensor digitorum longus muscle and extensor hallicus longus muscle

Ultrasound Images & Clips


The patient's pain was greatly reduced after locating failed R ankle hardware from ORIF and great reduction in pain and improvement in function occurred for the patient.


  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 87
  • Body part: Right Ankle